Theme "Enter" Background video and parallax effect on mobile devices (iPad etc.)

Hi Again, I’m fascinated. I installed the update and I’m running my background videos from my own server, not from YouTube! What I was hoping for is that (by not using YouTube’s flash player) that my background videos would show on my iPad – but it doesn’t. I provided both formats, mp4 and webm, but it doesn’t work. When I go to your demo version on ma iPad crashes. And while you are at it, the parallax effect also is not working on the iPad. Thanks a lot for your excellent help. Best macangelo

1 answer

Staff 7 days ago
Hi, none you videos will not play devices automatically. You must need to tap on play button to run. This is a system developed by devices. So, we can not help you on this. Thanks for understanding that the limitation is from the device end, not from our end.

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